
Saturday, July 20, 2013

5366 Desktop Publishing - Week 1

Medieval Bestiary’s design is very clean and readable.  The images are amazing.  The images contrast beautifully with the beige background and black text.  The same font is repeated throughout the book, as is the placement of fancy lettering on the first letter of the first word of each paragraph.  Text alignment is flush left, and most of the pictures are aligned properly within the text.  Everything is in proximity of each other, such as images to text and vice-verse.  The authors used placement of photographs in various parts of the pages to stress the importance of what is being told.   

Title of Book/Manuscript:  Medieval Bestiary
Book/Manuscript URL:

Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 5 Reflections

Each of the following highlights were a great learning component for me during this course.  Following is each one, how they helped me, and how they will help me in the future.

·       Lectures.  One thing I learned from the lectures is to make my Action Research Project very specific and not too elaborate.  By doing so, I can increase my chances of a successful research project.  Keeping things simple and focused will prevent  a project to “go rogue” or get to large and unproductive.
·       Readings.  I enjoyed how the developers of this class honed in on the important aspects of the text and did not require us to read the entire books.  Some of the things I will take from this course, that were in the text, include:
-Where do I find my wonderings and questions.  These will assist me in finding a good Action Research Project.
1.  Staff Development
2.  Curriculum Development
3.  Individual Teacher(s)
4.  Individual Student(s)
5.  School culture/community
6.  Leadership
7.  Management
8.  School Performance
9.  Social Justice

-On Page 64 of the Dana text, it stated that it is important to not find an Action Research Project that focuses on controlling or changing other people’s craft.  This is definitely important to keep in mind at all times, because a sure way of failing in this is trying to change people to my liking.  One thing to keep in mind is to always work on a project with the success of students in mind.

-Chapter three of the Dana text introduced the road map in developing a data collection plan by showing us various strategies to use.  These include 1) Quantitative measures of student achievement, 2) Field notes, 3) Interviews, 4) Documents/Artifacts/Student Work, 5) Digital Pictures, 6) Video, 7) Reflective journals and/or Weblogs, 8) Surveys, and 9) Literature.  This information was presented in an excellent, easy to use format.  Most people that think of research think of prior research (documents and literature) and current data on student (i.e. STAAR data).  It’s important to use all of the other strategies for a more concise research project.
·       Searches, like electronic searches of topics and questions
I did various searches online when I needed clarification on some of the tools that I used in class.  There is a plethora, yes plethora, of information on Action Research onine, so I had to be very careful not to get lost with the amounts of information available.
·       Assignments and activities.  Assignments were set up in a way that allowed me to use all of my class tools.  This includes the textbooks I purchased, TK20, Blackboard, and Google Blogs.  By working with all of these components, it made it easier, or clearer for me to grasp the concept(s) being taught.
·       Discussion Board.  The discussion board is an excellent tool to look at other people’s projects and provide feedback.  It’s also great to hear my fellow students viewpoints/suggestions on my postings.  It’s always good to hear another person’s input, especially if that person does not have an interest in your work – pure and unbiased opinions.
·       Blogs.  Blogs are another excellent method to allow others to view my planned work and give input.  It also provides for a historical account of my on-goings, or steps toward completing a successful action research project.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Updates to Action Research Plan - Week 4

I received various suggestions from my classmates and my site supervisor.  
Changes implemented on my plan include:
  • I will use yearly technology benchmark data that 5th graders are required to take.
  • I will include students in my surveys.
  • There will not be a controlled group, only the experimental group.  However, I will be taking a sample group of 5-6 students from each class to participate in surveys.  I decided on adding this, and not entire classes, to avoid disruption of their daily activities. 
  • I have added measuring student achievement by reviewing our students’ technology benchmark data.

Following is the updated Action Research Plan:
Technology in Lessons
Goal:  How can we get 4th and 5th grade teachers to implement technology in their lessons?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Research other campuses and districts with similar action research projects in existence.  Research correlation between the use of technology in lessons and student achievement.

Leroy Barriga

July 2013

Internet access
Survey Monkey

Research and surveys will determine if there is any other research project that answers my questions.
Research district data that has been gathered from the required end of the year technology benchmark assessments for 5th graders.  
Leroy Barriga
July 2013
Internet Access
District Data
Campus Data
This data will be reviewed to see how 5th grade students have historically done on technology benchmarks.  It will also be used as a baseline for on-going comparisons throughout the years.

Design a survey for administrators and teachers in 4th and 5th grade to complete before school begins.  The survey will determine how teachers feel about using technology in their lessons and how much is actually used at the present.

Leroy Barriga

July 2013

Internet Access
Survey Monkey

Survey results will determine some of the use of technology in the classroom or the lack of technology in the class, or both.  Will this ultimately lead to increased student performance?  How can we measure that?
Design a survey for a sample of 4th and 5th grade students that will measure the students viewpoint of technology in the classroom.
Leroy Barriga
September 2013
Internet Access
Survey Monkey
Survey results will show the culture that exists in the campus regarding how students feel about the use of technology in their lessons.

Meet with individual teachers and administrators to discuss my action research project and get clarification from the survey results.

Leroy Barriga
4th and 5th Grade Teachers

September 2013

Survey Results
Survey Summary
Develop guiding questions to stimulate conversation and discuss trends or changes needed

This meeting will determine if the teachers involved have an interest on my action research project and getting buy-in from them for my continued plan.

Repeat the beginning of the year survey to 4th and 5th grade teachers.

Leroy Barriga
4th and 5th Grade Teachers
March 2014
Survey Monkey
One-on-One interviews
Completed surveys and interviews.
Complete data analysis and research.

Leroy Barriga
April 2014
Survey Results
Visual displays of data results; graphs, spreadsheets, illustrations.
Present the results of my action research project to 4th and 5th grade teachers and administrators.

Leroy Barriga
May 2014
Finished Project/Final Report
Participants will complete an evaluation questionnaire to determine the success of presentation. (Limit it to 5 or fewer questions)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Leroy's Action Research Project

Technology in Lessons
Goal:  How can we get our 4th and 5th grade teachers to implement technology in their lessons?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Research other campuses and districts to similar action research projects in existence.  Research correlation between the use of technology in lessons and student achievement.

Leroy Barriga

July 2013

Internet access
Survey Monkey

Research and surveys will determine if there is any other research project that answers my questions.

Survey elementary administrators.

Leroy Barriga

July 2013

Internet access
Survey Monkey

Research and surveys will determine if there is any other research project that answers my questions.

Design a survey for teachers in 4th and 5th grade to complete before school begins.

Leroy Barriga

July 2013

Internet Access
Survey Monkey

Survey results will determine some of the use of technology in the classroom or the lack of technology in the class, or both.  Will this ultimately lead to increased student performance?  How can we measure that?

Design a survey and administer to administrators for their input.

Leroy Barriga

July 2013
Internet Access
Survey Monkey
Survey responses will give the administrators views on why technology is lacking in the teachers’ lessons.  Will this ultimately lead to increased student performance?  How can we measure that?

Meet with individual teachers and administrators to discuss my action research project and get clarification from the survey results.

Leroy Barriga
4th and 5th Grade Teachers

September 2013

Survey Results
Survey Summary

This meeting will determine if the teachers involved have an interest on my action research project and getting buy-in from them for my continued plan.

Repeat the beginning of the year survey to 4th and 5th grade teachers.
Leroy Barriga
4th and 5th Grade Teachers
March 2014
Survey Monkey
One-on-One interviews
Completed surveys and interviews.
Complete data analysis and research.

Leroy Barriga
April 2014
Survey Results
Visual displays of data results; graphs, spreadsheets, illustrations.
Present the results of my action research project to 4th and 5th grade teachers and administrators.

Leroy Barriga
May 2014
Finished Project/Final Report

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week Two - Action Research Project

--> In the Dana (2012) text,  the 9 major wonderings or areas of interest were introduced.  

They are:
1.  Staff development
2   Curriculum development
3.  Individual teacher(s)
4.  Individual student(s)
5.  School culture/community
6.  Leadership
7.  Management
8.  School performance
9.  Social Justice.

Each of these gave good examples of possible action research projects.  I found each to be important topics and found myself starting with “This is the most important…” because I thought they each were.   I had a difficult time narrowing down my research project until after I read this chapter.  I’m finding that keeping it simple will get me the best results in an action research project.  If I make it too involved, or unrealistic, my project will be less than par.

So far, I have narrowed down my action research project to:

How can we get veteran teachers to use technology in the delivery of their lessons.